Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Confidence Pool Results for 11/15-16

Guess who won BOTH games this weekend.....that's right....yours truly....THE GM!!!

Not only that but Sunday's tiebreaker was the combined score of STL/SF. I picked 51. Final score....35-16....which equals.....that's right 51!



The GM -------- 27
Verb ----------- 24
Muther -------- 22
Wifey ---------- 17
Karl ----------- 16


The GM ------- 29*
Wifey ---------- 29
Verb ----------- 27
Karl ----------- 26
Muther -------- 24

* won on tiebreaker

The standings for the NFL game are pretty close with 4 people separated by 4 points. The College game is being run away with by Verb...but maybe I can catch him.


verb said...

hahaha, you win both one week and you think you're big and bad...hahaha, ok, i see how you are!

Hahaha, just kidding...

I think this means we need to get more people making picks so that you have a little bit of a chance to catch me in the college pool...

What do you think?

GM said...

HELL YEAH!!! I gotta cheer about something since I am still way behind in the rankings.

Absolutely...the more the merrier.

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