Another day and a few more sports stories that you want to hear my opinion on.
McNabb calls out defense.....this is not good.
I don't know how many of you have seen this but Donovan McNabb recently basically called out the defense about the Cardinals drive that won the NFC. IF (and in the media it is a big IF) he actually said exactly what they are reporting AND he didn't say anything else than this is not good for Eagles fans. I think D-Nabb is usually pretty good with the words and generally doesn't cross his teammates so I am going to assume that he said something else or the words are being taken out of context. BUT D-Nabb himself better come out and say that publicly or this is going to end badly with Philly fans.
The Dukies lose badly.....and I would be worried if I were a Duke fan.
Most people will say that the regular season isn't that important and a loss isn't a big deal since everyone is going to do it. BUT for Duke this just shows that they can't survive when they miss three pointers. Which is the exact same thing that has doomed them in the past few years. Now obviously their defense and overall play is better than recent years but they still live and die with the 3 ball and when it isn't falling they run into trouble. I personally thought they were past that but it does not appear that they are.
Bechham wants to play in Italy.....who can blame him?
I have read and heard numerous opinions about how little Becks has achieved here in the States and I think most of the people saying that are idiots. They say he hasn't scored many goals.....well no shit....he isn't a forward you idiots. He plays midfield which is not where most goal scorers play. Beckham's skill has always been to set up the forwards not to score goals himself. I think he has done something for soccer here in the States but a sustained success on the World level would do more.
Chiefs TE wants to stay but RB wants to go.....good, give them what they want!
Tony Gonzalez wants to remain a Chief but Larry Johnson wants to go elsewhere. I say good! Gonzalez can still play and Johnson hasn't been good or healthy in a few years. So trade or release LJ and move on. There are backs out there that can fill in for him. But keeping him is probably not a good idea. He isn't a team player most of the time anyway and he surely isn't one when he isn't happy.
James scores 52 at Garden.....he is the best player right now.
I am not saying he is the best ever or even in the conversation, although he might be someday, BUT right now he is the best all around player in the NBA. He is a scorer, his defense has improved, he can pass with anyone, AND maybe most importantly he is a great leader. Since his first game he has carried the Cavs on his back. And as good as Kobe is he wasn't able to get it done without Shaq or another top notch player.
Tiger says he is almost back.....thank god cause golf sucks without him.
I don't watch a lot of golf to begin with but when Tiger isn't competing for the championship I don't watch at all. The US Open last year was amazing and watching the Masters when Tiger is playing late on Sunday is great to watch. But watching anyone else....I couldn't care less.
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