A-Rod admits to steroid use.....good for you Alex.
I don't see why everyone is so upset about this. We all knew that MULTIPLE players (maybe as many as 75-90% of players) were using steroids through this era. So what? It wasn't illegal in baseball at the time. Was it unethical? Sure it is technically cheating BUT who cares? I don't. I think Alex did the best thing he could and I was happy to hear him come out and say yes I did it.
Big Ben plays Super Bowl with broken ribs.....his fame and aura grows.
If you look across the NFL you will surely find guys that are considered tough. And surely some of them have played with worse than broken ribs but for a quarterback to do what he did in the Super Bowl with all the juking and jiving that he did to have broken ribs? Wow.
Pac-Man is no longer a Cowboy.....now he can go be a Raider.
Is there another place for Adam "not PacMan" Jones to go? Sure....Oakland. I would say Cincinnati but they seem to be interested in cleaning up their image. So that leaves Oakland to sign the troubled, and DRASTICALLY over rated, cornerback.
Lane Kiffin screw up again.....is this guy an idiot??
Apparently Kiffin and his staff did a few things that they are not supposed to do when recruits are visiting. One being a mock press conference and the other being a player entering the field through some fog. Apparently you can't simulate a game day atmosphere for a recruit. First of all lets just say that the NCAA is ridiculous. Why not let these kids get a taste of it? But that is besides the point right now. Mr. Kiffin......did you even look at the rule book??? Apparently not. You are absolutely killing your image right now and everyone is starting to ask, was Al Davis right about this guy?
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