Tuesday, October 21, 2008


What a boring Sunday in the NFL.

And in my area....outside Harrisburg, PA....we had really bad games on tv. On CBS at 1 we got to watch Baltimore @ Miami. On Fox at 1 we got to see San Fran @ Giants. On CBS at 4 we got to see Cleveland @ Wash.

How can you not get excited about those games?!?! (sarcasm STRONGLY intended)

Typically I would get all the work done in the morning and then watch football all day. But not this week. I actually watched the pregame shows and THEN went out to do some yard work Sunday. That is how much I wanted to watch those games.

I usually get this way at about the midway point of the NFL season. The games just seem monotonous to me after a while and the races are still being organized.

I am not saying that I don't like to watch but it bores me more than usual.

Part of that is the excitement that comes with college football on Saturday's. There are so many games to watch all day that you are almost guaranteed a good game at some point. I can sit down at noon on Saturday and watch 2 or 3 games in HD. Than at 3:30 there are at least another 2 or 3 and sometimes more. Than you get the night games which there are usually 3 different games on.

That means I can watch 9 HD games at 3 different time slots...all on cable. I don't have to pay more to see them! You can surely find a decent game to watch at each time slot almost every week.

But the NFL....boring sometimes. Now to the networks defense this past weekend all the games were boring. Even the two that I wanted to see, New Orleans/Carolina and Indy/GB, were terrible games for tv. But I would still like the choice....and I won't pay for it.

Don't get me wrong...I love the NFL. I am an Eagles fan and would have watched them play anyone had they played but they were off and the games that were on were very unappealing.

But the NFL is great and I love the playoff races and the playoffs. From Thanksgiving through the Super Bowl there isn't anything I would rather watch, except maybe the occasional bowl game.

But right now.....weeks 7-11......really not exciting.

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