I would just like to say congratulations to the Tampa Bay rays......BOOOOO!!!!!
What? I can't hear you?
Philly fans are ridiculous. They can NEVER show another team respect even when they are due some. I can't stand Philly fans and I am an Eagles fan. You all think you are better than anyone else. Let me tell you something.....EVERYONE feels that way about you. And I DOUBT VERY MUCH that everyone else is wrong!
The Rays had a fantastic season and they deserve to be shown some respect instead of being BOOED BY IDIOTIC PHILLIE FANS!
I have one problem with fans in general and then one significant problem with Philly fans beyond their lack of respect for other teams.
First lets look at all fans.
If you are a fair-weather fan....stop cheering or talking up the team. And don't dare refer to them as your team. I live near Harrisburg, PA and I have never seen so many Phillie caps than I did the past few days.
Even last week or the one before no one was wearing their caps or anything. Now....its all you see.
And I work with a couple people that are legitimate Phillie fans. They follow the team all season and actually root for them even when the aren't any good. And I legitimately offered my congratulations to them this morning because it is a big day for Philly fans.
But I also work with and know some people that have only become fans in the past week but still claim that they also support the team the rest of the year. The same people who say bad things about baseball during the season and put down the team are all of a sudden fans when the team makes the World Series. It is disgusting.
I am a Penn State fan and as a fan had some bad years back about 5-6 years ago when the team went 7-17 over 2 seasons. But I still watched every game and wore my cap and jersey no matter who they lost to. I didn't wait until they were good again to return to being a fan. And because of my persistence in believing in the team the 2005 season (Orange Bowl win) and this season (hopeful National Championship team) are that much sweeter to me because I know I was there rooting when they were losing to MAC teams at home.
All I am saying is if you are fan be a fan at ALL times....not just when they are good. I am not saying you have to pay to see a bad team because sometimes it isn't worth it. Sometimes you have better and more important things to spend your money on than 2 tickets to see a really bad team. Fine. Don't go. But don't stop rooting or cheering for your team.
Now...on to Philly fans.
This kind of ties into my previous argument but more specific.
Stop expecting and acting like your teams are going to lose. I am tired of talking to a Philly sports fan who says to me "they will blow it, they always do."
WHAT?? Where is your belief that they can win?
And don't give me that crap about being realistic. The whole point of being a true fan is to not be realistic.
Realistically there is 1 champion in each sport each year and most of the teams are not capable of winning. But they still cheer for their team and hold out (sometimes a false) hope that their team can win something.
I know numerous Philly fans that always tell me the same thing. "They will choke" or "they always lose when it matters". Stop telling me that.
No matter what the record or what the past....start believing and having some faith that your team can pull out the win.
I understand that your teams have gotten close since 1983 (and up until now) but haven't won. That doesn't mean you shouldn't believe in your team.
Especially since you have had some good teams. You like to throw out there that prior to last night you hadn't won a championship since 1983. Okay......SO??
How many titles have you played for since then? How many times have you gotten to the conference championship games?
I am not certain the numbers but I would imagine well over 10 different times. That ain't too bad if you really think about it.
Considering what we talked about earlier that would put the Philly franchises as some of the best in their sports for the past 25 years even if they didn't win the title.
Yes you are passionate fans that will let a team know when you aren't satisfied with their performance. Fine. That is your right as a paying fan.
But stop acting like you are owed a championship because of the wait. You have had some really good teams in that city over the past 25 years but are too concerned with how they blew a lead or lost a game to realize it.
Verb's Thoughts:
I could give you a few expletive's to put in there. I wasn't as passionate about this until the booed the Rays last night!
Thats rediculous. Cheer for your team, feel bad for yourself, whatever, do whatever you want, but don't disrespect the opposing team that deserved all the respect in the world only because you feel like you are the only ones that deserve any credit!
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