If this would have been the image at 9 last night everyone would have been really pissed off.
But they tried to get the game in. And they almost did.
Should they have suspended the game when they did....ABSOLUTELY!
You can't decide a World Series or for that matter ANY playoff game in anything less than 9 innings. They are too important.
I guess the real debate is should Selig have told everyone what was going to happen prior to it happening.
But did it matter prior to when it happened?
I didn't watch the game so I don't know when it started to rain but I assume they thought they could get the game in. So why mention that if the game gets rained out than the play would be suspended....not called.
It seems like everyone wanted Selig to make some announcement prior to the game stating that IF it rains and we have to stop play after the 6th inning than we will suspend the game until the following day instead of just calling the game.
That seems to be of little importance at the beginning of the game.
Now the other argument is why even let the Rays bat in the top of the 6th. The Phillies were winning 2-1 after 5 and from what I saw in highlights....it was already pouring.
Did MLB allow the Rays to hit so they had a good argument to suspend the game? Or was it already decided?
I am sure it was already decided. MLB didn't just decide in the 5th inning to give the Rays another chance and if they don't score they are calling the game. That would be BAD FOR BUSINESS!
Should MLB have informed all parties, players, team personnel, fans, of their intent to suspend the game? I don't know if it matters.
I think everyone is making a big deal out of nothing. Either way the game will be finished and the CORRECT decision was made.
Later today, assuming the weather cooperates, this game will be finished and then the Rays will head for home, either for game 6 or winter break.
Verb's Thoughts:
GM, I totally agree. I am glad they started the game because no one knows how the whether is going to go. Yea, everyone assumed it was going to rain but no one was sure. If they wouldn't have started it and it didn't rain, Selig would look like a real idiot.
I am glad he didn't tell anyone because, like you said, if it didn't rain than you have made this huge announcement for nothing.
I thought the whole situation was handled the way it should have been and I am glad its suspended and will be finished.
I heard a lot of Philly fans saying they got screwed and the game should have been over. Here is my response to that. Of course you would. You're a Philly fan and you would take a championship anyway you could get it. Even if you didn't have to finish the final game to win it.
That's bologna and I am glad the game is going to be finished. I still think Philly is going to win but I am glad they are going to have to earn it!
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