I was just watching Mike and Mike and they were talking about the Jay Cutler thing. I haven't spoken my mind about it this week as I was trying to stay focused on the event at hand, the NCAA Tournament.
*which was great last night by the way....VCU was soooo close*
Greenie was basically saying that he understands and if the situation with Cutler happened to him he would probably want to leave the show. Golic on the other hand said that at some point Cutler has to look at it as a business and realize that he has to work with these people.
My argument to that is Cutler IS treating this like a business. I think it is funny that everyone is getting on Cutler's case over this. Everyone is saying that its a business and he needs to realize this can happen.
Well what do Josh McDaniels and the Broncos have to realize? They should be getting most of the blame here in my opinion. THEY tried to trade their quarterback and after they couldn't they lied about it AND THEN said they might still do it.
If Andy Reid and the Eagles did this to McNabb everyone would ABSOLUTELY be on Donovan's side of the situation. Or if the Bengals did this to Carson Palmer.
And don't give me the "what has Cutler done" crap cause their defense and running game have been absolute jokes the past 2 seasons. AND he is still a young quarterback. Greenie and Golic compared him to Jake Plummer a few minutes ago and that is ridiculous. Plummer was a veteran quarterback who knew the game.
Personally I don't blame Cutler at all. Sure he could have just sucked it up and played a few more seasons in Denver and then left. But if the team is in the market for getting rid of him, why are they so upset that he wants to leave?
Wouldn't you be upset if your closest boss (one that you have to work with everyday and are basically like family with) told you that he wants someone else to do your job? And don't lie....you would probably stay and work (cause what else can you do) but there is absolutely NO FREAKING WAY that you are going to give 100% to that boss.
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