Michael Vick says he is close to signing with a team somewhere doing something but there were no specifics given.
So who might be interested in Vick? Who knows. But more importantly is where SHOULD Vick sign?
There are things that Vick should be looking for and things that teams should be considering before they sign him.
First from a team's perspective:
~ They should have a strong coach and management team in place to handle the hundreds of questions each day about Vick. If you get a coach that can't handle the pressure then you are just killing your chances.
~ They should have a definitive starter in place. You don't bring in a former starting NFL quarterback if you don't have a starter in place. This eliminates the 49ers as they have the coach that can handle it BUT they have no quarterback there so it makes Vick a viable option to start and everyone can agree (even Vick probably) that he is not ready to start in the NFL.
~ And honestly they need another distraction. If they have someone else there to take the attention away from Vick than that is all the better for the team.
Now from Vick's perspective:
~ A team that will give you a chance to play and to play where you want to play. You aren't turning into Slash so don't go to a team that only wants to use you like that. Look for a team that will allow you to be the backup quarterback and help with formations like the Wildcat.
~ Look for a team that isn't in a traditional media market. The fewer reporters at the facility the better. Sure for the first couple weeks it is going to be a zoo and at times it will be again but the further the team is from traditional media hubs the better.
~ Consider a coach that is going to help you grow. Go to a team with a coach that is proven and knows what he is doing and isn't on the hot seat. If you go to a team with a coach that could be fired you are just creating even more tension.
So with all that said let's examine the teams that would work best:
(and remember that even though none of the "experts" or "informants" have heard anything it doesn't mean he isn't close to signing with any of these teams.....no one knew TO was headed to Buffalo until it was announced!)
~ New Orleans Saints - Vick can be the backup and create an incredible Wildcat package with Reggie Bush and Pierre Thomas. Sean Payton is definitely capable of being both the stable coach AND a distraction. And Drew Brees is definitely the starter there with no doubts. But to me the biggest advantage is that New Orleans has bigger problems than the Saints and who they sign. The media is surely going to get involved but not in the way that the Dallas media would be involved.
~ Seattle Seahawks - He would be able to compete for the backup job and learn from a solid QB in Hasselbeck. Seattle is about as far from the media hubs as he can get so that works. Jim Mora just took over so he has a few years til he is on the hot seat and he knows and likes Vick. As for the team perspective...Vick would solidify a questionable running game. Line him up with Matt in the backfield and Julius Jones and no one would know what to do.
~ New England Patriots - Belichek will surely keep the media under control which would be good and Brady is obviously going to be there so no pressure to become the number 1. My problem here is that I don't think the Pats are interested too much in the Wildcat formation other than stopping it. And if you aren't going to run that offense why bring Vick on?
~ Buffalo Bills - This does not fit all the criteria I mentioned above but it does some. The things it lacks are a proven QB and a steady coach. But with TO you have another huge distraction to take the heat from Vick. Hell if I am the Bills and I sign Vick I would ASK TO to make a scene and do something stupid. You know the media will follow the guy so get the focus off Vick and onto someone who wants it anyway.
~ Pittsburgh Steelers - I am not sold on this idea either but Tomlin might consider the Wildcat formation IF he has Vick there. But the team and community can obviously support Michael if he comes there. But I don't think this will happen.
And just to help here are some teams that SHOULD NOT SIGN VICK:
~ Washington Redskins - if they sign Vick you can kiss their season goodbye. They don't have a coach or a quarterback that could handle it. As an Eagles fan I am okay if they sign him because that is one less team that I need to worry about.
~ San Fransisco 49ers - They don't have a quarterback and Vick can't be a starter this season. Not in my opinion at least. There is no real locker room presence there either to help keep the attention away from Vick.
~ Dallas Cowboys - We all know Wade Philips is probably gone after this season unless he wins the Super Bowl so the coach is not exactly safe. Add to that Romo and how much people already doubt him there and you have a really volatile situation. This is not out of the realm of possibility though but it would be a mistake.
~ Minnesota Vikings - For much the same reason as the 49ers above. No coach and no QB. If Favre would have come aboard I think it would have made sense but not without Favre.
~ Denver Broncos - Rookie coach, pain in the neck WR, and a questionable QB situation. All reasons NOT to sign Vick.
I personally feel Vick should be signed and he should be signed now. If you bring him in now you get the initial media frenzy done before the preseason starts. The frenzy will pick up again when he plays in the final preseason games but will subside before the season starts. And then assuming he sits out the first 6 weeks of the season you won't have many media issues til then. Hopefully by then some other things have happened in the league and the focus is only placed back on Vick for a week or two.
If you wait and sign him in a month you are creating a serious problem for your team by bringing in a distraction right before the season. Get him in now and get the worst of it out of the way.